14 december 2010

Hat in Novita Puro, Frost night

Hat in Novita Puro, Frost night, originally uploaded by bildlek.
See more new hats, headbands and cowls on my Flickr account by clicking on the pic.

13 december 2010

scarf and mittens

scarf & mittens, originally uploaded by bildlek.
Knitted last year for A K-R


ufo, originally uploaded by bildlek.
Started last December. After christmas I may continue on it. Angora & wool blend. Bohus style.

Nunofelted scarf

Nunofelted scarf, originally uploaded by bildlek.
Felted last year for my PhD student when she was transformed into a doctor in Dec 12 2009. Silk and very thin leyers of orange merino wool + wool locks. Rather big. Click the image to see more images on Flickr.